Cookbook Thai Recipe

Thailand cookbook Kaeng Tai Pla Kani ready to eat meal

Kaeng Tai Pla Kani (แกงไตปลากะนิ) is a traditional Thai southern-style curry known for its intense and unique flavor. It’s made using a type of fermented fish innards called “Tai Pla” (ไตปลา) as a key ingredient. This curry is typically quite spicy and not commonly found in Thai restaurants outside of southern Thailand. It’s often prepared by locals in the southern regions.


  • 1 cup of Tai Pla (ไตปลา) – fermented fish innards
  • 400-500 grams of shrimp, fish, or other seafood
  • 2-3 cups of water
  • 2-3 tablespoons of red curry paste (adjust to your preferred level of spiciness)
  • 2-3 kaffir lime leaves
  • 2-3 slices of galangal
  • 1-2 Thai eggplants, cut into pieces
  • A handful of Thai basil leaves
  • 1-2 tablespoons of fish sauce (adjust to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon of sugar (adjust to taste)


  1. Prepare the Tai Pla: Start by rinsing the Tai Pla (fermented fish innards) with water to remove excess salt. Then, soak them in water for about 10 minutes to reduce the strong smell and taste. Drain and set aside.
  2. Cook the Curry Base: In a pot, add a small amount of oil and heat it. Then add the red curry paste and stir-fry for a couple of minutes until the aroma is released.
  3. Add Tai Pla: Add the Tai Pla to the pot and stir it with the curry paste for about 2-3 minutes. This helps to infuse the flavors and mellow the strong taste of the fermented fish innards.
  4. Add Seafood: Add your choice of seafood, such as shrimp or fish, to the pot. Stir and cook for a few minutes until the seafood starts to change color.
  5. Add Water: Pour in the water and let the curry simmer for about 10-15 minutes to allow the flavors to meld together.
  6. Season the Curry: Add fish sauce and sugar to taste. The saltiness may vary depending on the Tai Pla and curry paste used, so adjust accordingly. You can also add a bit of palm sugar for sweetness if desired.
  7. Add Vegetables: Add the kaffir lime leaves, galangal slices, Thai eggplant, and Thai basil leaves to the curry. Cook until the vegetables are tender.
  8. Serve: Once the seafood is fully cooked, and the vegetables are tender, your Kaeng Tai Pla Kani is ready to serve. It’s typically served with steamed rice.

Keep in mind that Kaeng Tai Pla Kani has a strong, acquired taste due to the fermented fish innards, so it’s not for everyone. If you enjoy unique and spicy flavors, it’s worth trying, especially if you have the opportunity to taste this authentic dish in southern Thailand.

As for your additional keywords, here they are:

  • Authentic Thai Recipes
  • Best Thai Cookbook
  • Easy Thai Cooking
  • Exotic Thai Flavors
  • Homemade Thai Meals
  • Spicy Thai Dishes
  • Thai Appetizer Recipes
  • Thai Cooking Essentials
  • Thai Cooking Guide
  • Thai Cooking Techniques
  • Thai Cuisine Cookbook
  • Thai Culinary Delights
  • Thai Food Recipes
  • Thai Kitchen Cookbook
  • Thai Recipe Book
  • Thai Street Food Recipes
  • Traditional Thai Dishes
  • Love Destiny 2 (referring to the Thai drama)

Kaeng Tai Pla Kani(แกงไตปลากะนิ)是一道传统的泰国南部风味咖喱,以其浓烈和独特的口味而闻名。它以一种名为“Tai Pla”(ไตปลา)的发酵鱼内脏作为关键成分。这种咖喱通常非常辣,不常见于泰国南部以外的泰国餐厅。通常由南部地区的当地人准备。


  • 1 杯 Tai Pla(ไตปลา) – 发酵鱼内脏
  • 400-500 克虾、鱼或其他海鲜
  • 2-3 杯水
  • 2-3 汤匙红咖喱酱(根据您的辛辣口味调整)
  • 2-3 片柚子叶
  • 2-3 片南姜
  • 1-2 颗泰国茄子,切块
  • 一把泰国罗勒叶
  • 1-2 汤匙鱼露(根据口味调整)
  • 1 茶匙糖(根据口味调整)


  1. **准备 Tai Pla:**首先用水冲洗 Tai Pla(发酵鱼内脏),去除多余的盐分。然后,将其浸泡在水中约 10 分钟,以减轻其浓烈的气味和味道。沥干并备用。
  2. **烹饪咖喱底料:**在锅中加入少量油并加热。然后加入红咖喱酱,翻炒约 2-3 分钟,直到散发出香气。
  3. **加入 Tai Pla:**将 Tai Pla 加入锅中,与咖喱酱搅拌约 2-3 分钟。这有助于融合味道,减轻发酵鱼内脏的浓烈味道。
  4. **加入海鲜:**将您选择的海鲜,如虾或鱼,加入锅中。搅拌并烹饪几分钟,直到海鲜开始变色。
  5. **加入水:**倒入水,让咖喱炖煮约 10-15 分钟,以使各种味道融合在一起。
  6. **调味咖喱:**根据口味加入鱼露和糖。盐度可能因所使用的 Tai Pla 和咖喱酱而异,所以请根据需要进行调整。如果需要,还可以加入一些棕榈糖调甜度。
  7. **加入蔬菜:**将柚子叶、南姜片、泰国茄子和泰国罗勒叶加入咖喱中。烹饪直至蔬菜变软。
  8. **上菜:**一旦海鲜完全煮熟,蔬菜变软,您的 Kaeng Tai Pla Kani 即可上桌。通常搭配蒸米饭享用。

请注意,由于发酵鱼内脏的强烈味道,Kaeng Tai Pla Kani 具有浓烈的独特口味,因此并不适合每个人。如果您喜欢独特而辛辣的口味,特别是如果有机会在泰国南部品尝这道正宗的菜肴,那么一定要尝试一下。